"境"入×归家 "一"字玄关 Porch入户空间采用“一字型”布局,门厅直通走廊,开门即见通透视野。为避免客餐厅一览无余,设计师将一间次卧与客厅位置对调,重新砌墙,优化空间隐私性。The entrance hall is directly connected to the corridor, and the door opens to a transparent view. In order to avoid an unobstructed view of the guest room and dining room, the designer switched the position of a second bedroom with the living room and rebuilt the wall to optimize the privacy of the space.以原木元素为核心,打造简约实用的入户体验。整面墙设计为洞洞板+坐凳+上下柜组合,集挂衣、装饰、换鞋、置物功能于一体,流畅的动线设计让入户空间更加高效。大面积原木材质奠定全屋自然中古的基调。With log elements as the core, it creates a simple and practical entry experience. The whole wall is designed as a hole board + bench + upper and lower cabinets combination, which integrates the functions of hanging clothes, decoration, changing shoes, and storage, and the smooth dynamic line design makes the entry space more efficient. The large area of original wood material lays the tone of natural antique in the whole house.
Vintage x Modern
原次卧与客厅位置对调后,敲除两侧墙体并重新规划空间,使新客厅面积大幅提升。吊顶设计拉升层高,并切割划分客厅与餐厨区,丰富空间层次感。 After the position of the original second bedroom and the living room were reversed, both walls were knocked down and the space was re-planned, so that the area of the new living room was greatly increased. The ceiling design raises the floor height and cuts the living room and dining area to enrich the sense of space.
客厅利用原木与藤编材质营造浓郁的中古氛围。藤编扇叶吊灯如展开的花瓣,成为视觉焦点;茶几选用纯黑色调,与浅色羊绒条纹地毯形成鲜明对比,平衡空间视觉。沙发墙与走廊转角处安装实木护墙板,搭配复古壁灯补充光源。The living room utilizes wood and rattan to create a rich antique atmosphere. The rattan fan-leaf chandelier is like unfolding flower petals, becoming the visual focus;the coffee table is in pure black, contrasting with the light-colored cashmere striped carpet, balancing the visual space. Solid wood siding is installed at the corner of the sofa wall and corridor, and vintage wall sconces are used to supplement the light source.
The original dining room is transformed into a children's room, forming a migratory line with the living room. The new wall in the children's room fits perfectly with the customized bed, while the other side is designed with a row of closets and desks against the wall, taking into account both functionality and aesthetics.
The dining and kitchen area adopts a fully open design, knocking down the original kitchen wall and incorporating the north balcony into the kitchen area, which expands the use area and introduces natural light to enhance the lighting effect of the space.
厨房采用一字型布局,操作动线流畅。餐厅区域布置中古风家具,定制餐边柜向外延伸,内嵌冰箱,充分利用空间。餐边柜上下储物,中间预留区域用于存放餐具。The kitchen has a smooth operation line. The dining area is furnished with antique style furniture, customized sideboards are extended outward with built-in refrigerator to make full use of the space. The upper and lower sideboards are used for storage, and the middle area is reserved for storing tableware.
The bedroom optimizes the use of space, the arrangement is simple and practical. The antique style solid wood bed, hollowed out solid wood frame backrest, original wood ancient color, small area of black, blue embellishment to the overall visual hierarchy to add a sense of softness. The right side of the wall customized large-capacity closet to enhance the storage area.
Bathroom wet and dry separation. Half-wall tile tiling to prevent water vapor erosion, rustic style printed wall wall tiles to enhance the beauty. Irregular mirror to break the monotony, but also has the role of amplifying space.